There are a lot of people looking to reduce weight due to health issue, these are the 7 foods to lose weight that you should start including in your daily diet from now on.
If you are part of a group of people who want to recover their figure in a healthy way, we invite you to follow these tips carefully.
The foods on the following list contain incredible properties that will help you eliminate excess accumulated fat and rid your body of toxins that prevent you from moving forward.
In addition, they are versatile when it comes to cooking them since you can combine them in many ways and achieve very rich preparations. Ideally, you should get used to its consumption over time by preparing a different menu per day, in this way you can not get bored.
1. Green leafy vegetables
• Broccoli
Although its smell is not the most pleasant while you cook it, not for this reason should you stop including it. In fact, accompanied with a set of extra vegetables in a good salad, it is capable of enhancing its flavor and raising its nutritional value.
The best thing is that you can consume it in different ways: steamed, raw, boiled, sautéed with just a little olive oil, baked or even cooked in the microwave.
Everything is to your preference, however, the best thing to do to preserve all its nutritional value is steamed for a maximum of 15 minutes. If you prefer to boil it, use only 3 to 5 minutes, while sautéing it only 3.
You can use broccoli as a good substitute for noodles in a soup, adding a little more substance to the dish. Thus, taking advantage of its antioxidant qualities that regulate cholesterol and burn fat.
• Lettuce
Lettuce is synonymous with salads. As you know, this has been the main ingredient that we go to for the base of these. And it is that its caloric intake is really low, while the amount of fibers, vitamins, and minerals complement its function in terms of weight loss.
In case you didn't know, there are more than 30 types of lettuce on the market. What differentiates them from each other is their protein percentage, vitamins, minerals, etc. In this sense, the one that provides the most benefits is that of long, green leaves. Also known as "romaine lettuce", it tends to be a little less crunchy than the others.
Summer days are approaching, because what better way than adding lettuce in salads to refresh the palate with so much heat, without abandoning the diet. Lettuce is so versatile that you can accompany it very well with lean meats, fish, legumes, and other foods that we will detail.
2. Vegetables

Like vegetables, you can take advantage of legumes in terms of satiating your appetite, reducing cholesterol, optimizing the digestive process; for being rich sources of fibers and proteins. In this category, beans and lentils stand out, whose cooking is extremely important so that you can appreciate all their flavor and texture.
A fun way to eat these foods to lose weight is by preparing some delicious lentil burgers. You just need to look for a simple recipe that includes the basic ingredients, low in fat and calories of course.
3. Nuts
With these, we ask you to be especially careful, because although they tend to be excellent carriers of good fats, as well as proteins and a lot of fiber; they are considered high in calories. That is, they do not make you fat and contribute to the acceleration of metabolism if you consume them in a controlled way and in the right portions.
It is for this reason that almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios or chestnuts are recommended to be included as appetizers or only as snacks between meals. They help reduce anxiety and are often combined with other foods such as natural yogurt, in vegetable or fruit salads.
All you have to do is add a portion to each meal, which you can measure by taking a handful with your hand. Or take each serving by itself and enjoy its full flavor without the need for any side dishes.
As additional information, try to choose natural nuts and not those that are roasted, the latter usually detract from the nutritional value of their composition.
4. Whole grains
Quinoa, oatmeal, and brown rice have a superpower that makes each one incredible weight loss foods. We are talking about fiber within its composition, which is composed of two types, which are soluble and insoluble.
Soluble fiber uses water to become a jelly-like substance that allows cholesterol to be discarded. And on the other hand, the insoluble one gives you that feeling of satiety and cleanses the intestinal tract favoring the weight loss process gradually.
It is important that you are clear about how to identify them from refined cereals since the latter are the ones that you should not consume while trying to lose weight.
5. Avocado
Unlike many fruits, the avocado is the only one to provide, in addition to proteins and vitamins, a good amount of healthy fats. It is perfect to consume it either with a slice of whole wheat bread as a snack or in salads.
But yes, you must also regulate the portions in which you consume it, since it is a high-calorie food.
A normal-size avocado provides up to 250 calories and 20 grams of fat. For this reason, nutritionists prescribe eating half an avocado a day. Balance in a healthy diet will be the key to your success in this process.
6. Green Tea

Yes, although it may not sound like the most common, green tea can provide you with amazing weight loss benefits just like any of the other foods we mentioned above. In addition to this, it is super easy to prepare and they are available in many types and aromas.
Because it is a totally natural ingredient and little processed (if you buy it from stores), it keeps components such as theine among its nutritional structure. Which is defined as an activator of body temperature.
Consequently, you will be able to burn fat and eliminate adipose tissue more quickly. Prepare a cup of green tea in the morning, if it is fasting much better.
7. Proteins
Protein could be the main nutrient when it comes to foods for weight loss. This, among other things, is due to their ability to satiate us for a longer time, thus promoting a lower consumption of daily calories.
Unlike carbohydrates, proteins have the ability to satiate us without the need to provide a large amount of calories. In addition to this, there is the fact that our body assimilates proteins more slowly than other foods.
Thanks to the slow assimilation of proteins, we make our metabolism stay active for longer, which causes a calorie burn during the digestive process. Could it be more perfect?
A high-protein diet along with an exercise regimen is the ideal combination for weight loss. Between both, you would be promoting fat burning and muscle mass regeneration.
We can find proteins in a wide variety of foods (lean meats, vegetables, fish, nuts, etc.). However, in this section, we would like to place special emphasis on two foods to lose weight, which are: egg whites and skim milk.
• Egg Whites
The egg white can be included in breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is recommended that you combine it during the day with other foods rich in protein, that is, one day you include it for breakfast, another day for lunch and another day for dinner.
Egg white is able to provide energy, give you that daily strength you need and contribute to good muscle development.